

The Parish of Airmyn is situated near to Goole in the East Riding of Yorkshire, England. It has approximately 770 inhabitants and a total of 622 electors.

Airmyn Parish Council is an independent local authority, served by up to nine councillors. There are currently 2 vacancies on the council, if you wish to consider standing please contact the Clerk.

Our website provides information on the activities of The Parish Council, including agendas and minutes of meetings, annual reports, financial information and contact details for the councillors and clerk.

The "About" section provides information on other groups and organisations in the parish and useful contact information. There is also a separate page about Airmyn parish history in this section.


Contact the Clerk at:

Airmyn Parish Council, Airmyn Memorial Hall, Woodland Way, Airmyn, East Yorkshire, DN14 8LY.

email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.    telephone: 01405 947117     m: 07557 166909

Hybrid Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday & Thursday, 10am until 3pm.


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