Details of places of local interest

Detail as of Local Busniesses


Airmyn is a village and civil parish in the East Riding of Yorkshire, England. It is situated at the mouth of the River Aire with the River Ouse, approximately 2 miles (3.2 km) north-west of Goole. It lies to the west of the M62 motorway and the A614 road. According to the 2011 UK census, Airmyn parish had a population of 768, a fall from the 2001 UK census figure of 795. The parish covers an area of 1,155.353 hectares (2,854.94 acres)


Parish History

Airmyn Parish Council and the civil parish of Airmyn was created in 1894 under the Local Government Act of that year.  Previous to that Airmyn was in the ecclesiastical parish of Snaith in the wapentake of Osgoldcross.  It is worth noting that the civil parish is now different to the ecclesiastical parish.

Up to two years ago the parish council operated with seven councillors when the council applied for and was successful in raising that number to nine.  The council felt that additional councillors were needed because of the amount and diversity of the work that it does.

Local historian David Galloway has produced a series of three books called 'Airmyn in Days Gone By'.  Each book takes a chronological look at Airmyn life from 1656.  At that time the Smithson family purchased the Manor of Airmyn and not long after built Airmyn Hall which can still be seen today, very well preserved on the High Street.  

In 1865 the Heber Percy family from Hodnet in Shropshire purchased the Airmyn estates and the family agent, Alexander Frederick Hood lived with his family in the Hall.  The Heber Percies relinquished control of the Airmyn estates in 1920 and Airmyn was then divided into separate farms and smaller properties and sold off by lots.

David's books give a full and detailed history complete with photographs.

Airmyn, about 20 miles northwest of Scunthorpe, today is still making its life by the river Aire as it did centuries ago. Its waters join the Ouse flowing out to the Humber, then the sea claims it all.

There is still the flat farmland, a church, school, public house, and local village hall. The long High Street has many of the old cottages and the Hall, which has long since been separate dwellings but still maintains some of its bygone wide gardens at the back. Old cottages have had face lifts, but many retain the old style of the Airmyn doors with their ridges and curves at the top. New estates of houses are now at the back of the High Street, with immaculate gardens.

No longer is there a ferry boat to meet you to cross the river but instead a swing bridge, Boothferry Bridge, allows ships to pass on with the tide, and there is also a fine motor bridge on the M62.

There is more water, and rising tides, so the river bank level hes been rebuilt. The river has always been the important factor, people were dependent upon it for water, fish, wild fowl, reeds and warp for building materials; also for transport which the boats provided. Airmyn was in fact a small port. From the Middle Ages to the 18th century Airmyn's dead were taken by boat to Snaith to be buried. It was a much shorter journey than by road with horses.

River pollution was a problem in 1875; salmon as well as other fine fish were killed, to say nothing of the drinking water which was polluted. Today, river pollution is still with us.

Airmyn is well known for its fine clock tower by the side of the old school. Money from the villagers paid for the building in 1866 to honour the memory of the second Earl of Beverley, who paid for the school to be built.

A small church has been on the site since 1318.On an outer wall of the present church a coat of arms bears the date 1676. Today it is kept in good order along with its lychgate and graveyard. Each year the village has a gala in which everyone plays a part, with many sporting events, and a yearly trip is organised for the .pensioners. Airmyn, now modern, has outgrown the old village, but somehow it still manages to maintain a foothold in the past.

The village information above is taken from the The East Yorkshire Village Book, written by members of East Yorkshire Federation of Women's Institutes and published by Countryside Books. 


The Parish of Airmyn is situated near to Goole in the East Riding of Yorkshire, England. It has approximately 770 inhabitants and a total of 622 electors.

Airmyn Parish Council is an independent local authority, served by up to nine councillors. There are currently 2 vacancies on the council, if you wish to consider standing please contact the Clerk.

Our website provides information on the activities of The Parish Council, including agendas and minutes of meetings, annual reports, financial information and contact details for the councillors and clerk.

The "About" section provides information on other groups and organisations in the parish and useful contact information. There is also a separate page about Airmyn parish history in this section.


Contact the Clerk at:

Airmyn Parish Council, Airmyn Memorial Hall, Woodland Way, Airmyn, East Yorkshire, DN14 8LY.

email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.    telephone: 01405 947117     m: 07557 166909

Hybrid Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday & Thursday, 10am until 3pm.


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