The Parish Council meets on the second Wednesday of the month (excluding August & December) in the George Dales Room, Airmyn Memorial Hall at 7.00 PM.

Members of the public are welcome to attend the meetings and may speak at the Council's discretion. The Council holds a 15 minute open session for members of the public to speak on any Parish matter.

Agendas and Minutes

Archive: 202020192018 - 20172016 20152014 - 2013


Meeting Date Agenda Minutes
January Meeting  Read/Print  Read/Print
February Meeting  Read/Print  Read/Print
March Meeting  Read/Print  Read/Print
April Meeting  Read/Print  Read/Print
May Meeting  Read/Print  Read/Print
Annual General Meeting  Read/Print  Read/Print
June Meeting  Read/Print  Read/Print
July Meeting  Read/Print  Read/Print
August Meeting    
September Meeting  Read/Print  Read/Print
October Meeting  Read/Print Read/Print
November Meeting  Read/Print  Read/Print
December Meeting